Saturday 13 June 2009

Introducing Psychology Part 1

Methodology: Study of methods of research

5 methods of research
- Experiment
- Observation
- Survey
- Case study (case history)
- Correlation (significance) *
* Correlation doesn't show causation and also may occurs by chance (spurious correlations)

- Check sample is appropriate, reliable(consistent) and valid data(intended measurement)
Random - Each person has equal chance
Quota - Certain number from specific groups
Opportunistic - Whoever is avaible, maybe biased

- Nothing can be proved. No amount of evidence is sufficient. There's always the possibility of new, conflicting evidence

The conscious - The awareness we have when we are awake
The pre-conscious - Contains memories of dreams
The unconscious - Containing secret wishes and fears; traumatic memories of the past

The 3 parts of mind
- The ID - Inborn and is alone for a couple of years. Operates by The Pleasure Principle. Sefish and typically wants immediate gratification.
- The ego - Develops from about 2 years. Operates by The Reality Principle. Essentially selfish.
- The superego - Develops from about age 3 (Influenced by parents). Is the "moral watchdog" that stops us from doing wrong. It considers other people too.

Note: Don't let ego inhibits ID. People should sometimes 'let go' and enjoy themselves.

Stages of psychological development
- Oral(0-2 years) - Baby instinctively sucks to develop trust and an optimistic personality
- Anal(2-3 years) - Child becomes aware of its bowels
- Phallic(3-6 years) - Child becomes aware of genitals and sexual differences
- Latent(6-11 years)
- Genital (11+ years)

Ways to unconsciously protect ourselves from unpleasant ideas
- Repression - Pushing down unwanted ideas into the unconscious and keeping them there. Too much can be exhausting as it takes engergy(Libido)
- Regression - Going back to an earlier stage. It's natural to seek situations that give comfort, especially under stress
- Displacement - Diverting energy(Libido) into another activity
- Seblimation - Displacement which is 'healthy' eg. Sports
- Denial
- Projection etc......

Note: It's better for the unpleasant ideas to rise into the conscious mind to be confronted and dealt with.

- Learning is a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience

Learning theory - classical conditioning
Requires:- A neutral simulus that will become a cinditioned simulus
- An unconditioned stimulus
Result:- An unconditioned response which becomes a conditioned response
Therapies developed from classical conditioning
1) Desensitization therapy - Relax a phobia
2) Counter conditioning therapy
3) Aversion therapy

Sexual Deviancy
- Fetishism - Unusual sexual behaviour
- Voyeurism - Sexually aroused when watching other people
- Sadism & masochism - Sexual pleasure from inflicting physical or mental suffering
- Paedophilia - Sexual excitment in the presence of children
- Homosexuality

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